Current Time in PNG

Thursday, December 2, 2010

PNG Work Day #4

We went with the whole family to New Tribes Missions campus on the other side of town where they have a Doctor on staff. He took a look at Ben and said he has a virus, so they gave Amy some meds for him and he seems to already be doing better this evening. This was worth the time with family but only allowed us a half day of work. We still got a good bit done and here are some pics. I will try to update in more detail in the morning (afternoon for most of you, if anyone is actually reading these posts???...)

Click on Picture Below for more Pics


  1. We are praying for you guys daily! You are doing a fantastic job with this blog!

  2. Yes, Dean we are reading your posts! They are excellent and your pictures are great! I love Amy's snowman flag. It's good to hear the kids and Amy are on the mend.
    The pews and painting look great. Give our love to Dan, Amy, Jake, and Matt.
    Jan and Fred

  3. Is anybody reading this? Are you kidding! PTL - I can't get enough. Praise God for your willingness, energy, and strength to do what you're doing. Looking forward to more on the ministry. Is it Sunday yet? Keep that camera busy!
