Current Time in PNG

Monday, December 6, 2010

PNG Work Day #6

Day Number 6 has come and gone... It felt like today wasn't as productive for some reason but in hind-sight God allowed us to get much done. I think for Jake and Me trying to hang plywood on walls like you would sheet-rock, around windows, doors, etc proved fairly difficult. The wood used in framing has "moved" due to the normal curing process. This makes for some challenging measuring and cutting, and usually required about 3 or 4 cuts to get it "right." Since we were sharing tools, the generator and saw were a mile away (or so it seemed.)

We came home to another tasty dinner consisting of hamburgers and onion rings. After dinner, Jake and I stayed and cleaned-up the dishes (wasn't too bad since we used paper plates, good night to volunteer:)) while Dan, Amy, Matt, Claire and Kate went on a nature expedition. The picture below is a bucket of toads they caught while on their adventure. It felt like the plague when they finally let them go in the front yard. There were exactly 31 toads of all sizes in this bucket and as they let them go the ground felt like it was moving in the pitch dark as they scattered every which way.

Click on the Picture below for more of today's photos!

Tomorrow morning I think we plan on going to do some souvenir shopping in town and then put in a half day at the church. We need to hang plywood on the inside walls of the Pastor's house which may prove to be the end of our unified team spirit. Four guys working in tight corners with substantial differences in the definition of acceptable... could get ugly:)!


  1. Loved all the pictures except the frogs.... tell Matt to make sure he washes his hands good! He seems to be right in his element!
    You guys are doing such a great job. The projects look great. Keep the blogs coming!
    Love and prayers to all!

  2. Am enjoying all the pictures, as well as the comments, Dean! You have talent in writing! Looks like you are accomplishing much. Don't know about the frogs. At least Amy didn't cook & serve them up for supper.
    There you all are in your shorts & short sleeves & we are having windchill temps of 17 here tonight. The Patriots are playing tonight & tv showing a full stadium of craziest sitting in this freezing weather.

    Keeping you all in prayer daily.
    Missy Laine

  3. Greetings from another cold spot, Kingston, NH. Missy Elaine was right. We are in the teens here and trying to imagine your hot climate and creatures crawling around both inside and out. Everything is hibernating here except the football fans! The church looks great, love the picture of Matt and Jake hanging the cross. What a simple but beautiful symbol of the love that has gone into the project with the 4 brothers together there and for the everlasting love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Hugs to everyone, Love Janet
