Current Time in PNG

Friday, December 3, 2010

Week One Complete!

What a week! God provided wonderful weather with rain during some of the nights so the water containers are holding steady (which is good for Amy and the girls, because we need showers bad at the end of the work day!)but each day was sunny at the Church allowing us to get much work done that would have been prohibitive with weather issues. Most of what we have left now is inside work and details.

I have been told people were having trouble figuring out how to leave comments. I looked into the settings and realized it was set to require being a member which meant you would have to create a user name and such, which was complicated and not worth the hassle. I changed the settings to hopefully allow simple addition of comments. Simply go to the "post comments" box at the bottom of each separate post or you should be able to post comments on individual pictures as well. We would LOVE to hear thoughts and questions from any of you that are following this since it is encouraging to know people are interested in our time here and specifically the ministry Dan and Amy are involved with in this part of the world.

Click on the picture below for more pictures of Friday 12/3/10

Tomorrow is Saturday and we plan on staying around the campus and spending some time with family (hopefully I can get more pictures of Ben and the girls to post!) We also plan on hanging out with the college students that are still around during break and maybe test some of our mad Basketball skills:)! Ironically, my would-be height "issue" that is noticeable in America, happens to be somewhat neutralized here since most of the natives aren't very tall either.

I hope to be able to post more details this week-end about the actual ministry here and what God has been doing in PNG through the work of these faithful servants at GBBC. The Truth of God's Word transcends cultures and is the only sure foundation we have in a world that has so much evil. God is NOT surprised or wondering what to do as He watches Fox news each day (in no way do I mean to be blasphemous with that comment.) When you see His Kingdom moving forward in places like this in ways that NO human being could possibly manufacture... you start to see a much bigger picture of the redemptive plan that is unfolding throughout all ages. The fact that those of us who have accepted Christ as our Savior have the opportunity to be a part of that plan should spur us to action each day. There are people all around us that are lost and need the truth and we need not be ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. It is truly the only thing worth living and dying for!

Going to bed now, as many of you reading this are likely just waking up to start the day we just lived, Trust you will have as good a Friday as we had:)!


  1. Brenda and I have been faithfully following your blog and love hearing PNG news every day. Thanks for making it easier to post a comment. We do look forward to hearing more of the Thyng ministry but especially love seeing photos and hearing stories of our grandkids- Kate, Claire & Ben. We are anxious for our own PNG visit in January, 2011. Praying daily for each of you guys as you minister with and along side Dan & Amy. (Jim Nofsinger)

  2. Dean, I am so proud of how God is using you in PNG! God is so good to us to allow these type of experiences to open our eyes to what HE is doing all around the world. I am thrilled that you are pushing HIS work forward with Dan and Amy there. Be assured of our prayers daily. I hope those you play ball with, and are impressed with your height, are even more impressed with your walk with HIM!
    Your Fellowlaborer in Christ,
    Bobby Wood

  3. Thanks so much Dean for making the posting easier for those of us like Pa & Grammy-Mum who are computer illiterate. :))) We are so impressed with the work you have accomplished up at Hosanna. Just to think that Dan milled all the lumber and cut it with a less than adequate circular saw is amazing! Everything looks beautiful! Matt, the pews are a work of art! Love the cross. That's what it is all about! So proud of our boys! Don't get hurt playing ball. I have seen the rugby; don't even consider it!

  4. Dean,
    You, Matt and Jake are certainly blessed with a heart for the Lord! You are also blessed with writing skills I could only dream of! I (we) have enjoyed your blogs so much. We will continue to pray for all of you during the remainder of your stay. Please give our love to Dan, Amy and the kids.
    Sandra Sullivan

  5. Love the blog Dean! You guys are doing such good work over there. It's really cool to read about it day to day. The pews are beautiful! Love all the pictures. Need some pictures of Amy too!!
    Lori (Amy's sister)

  6. I am loving all the updates and pictures. Adam and I, as well as our church, has been praying for you all and the work that needs to be done, and your safety. Please please give Amy a HUGE hug and tell her it's from me. I am thinking of them and their ministry so often that the informal prayers for them are never ceasing. It has been great to hear your perspective on PNG and get a glimse at life there. Praying for you guys!
    Andrea Leland

  7. Good morning, good afternoon, or good night to all of you as you live and work togther on the other side of the earth. Whenever you read this message know that those of us back here are thinking of you and as Andrea said, shooting up informal prayers from our hearts throughout the days (and nights!). Thank you Dean for capturing the work, the joy and the humorous "life moments" that make this whole project very real to us back home. God is being Glorified through each of you daily and surely Dan and Amy are being filled with renewed energy and spirit to continue their very selfless work for the Kingdom. Much love to you all as you continue making the church and the Pastor's home places where people will gather and worship for years to come. Continue hugging those beautiful children...Love Janet
